Jacob Berendes - Animal Year
at Heavy Manners Library, 1200 N Alvarado Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Oct 6 - 16 2022
a version of the original (2004) website for this project is here: [link]
Heavy Manners website: [link]
some writing on the subject here: [link]
talking about this on the radio on KBOO fm: [link]
interview with Happiness Pony: [pdf, 2.1mb]
interview with Boston Compass: [link]
for all inquiries contact jacob@fujichia.com
instagram: @lilchamp__
twitter: @mothersnews
Jacob Berendes is a multi-media artist whose work examines institutional forms from an individual perspective. Former projects include a newspaper (Mothers News), a storefront (HBML), and an artists residency program (CTRI Innovations). Animal Year is the one that's a toy company.
For recent work by Jacob Berendes visit Fujichia.com